How to Create a Concrete Type/Mix for Temperature Monitoring

How to Create a Concrete Type/Mix for Temperature Monitoring

Concrete Types are associated with a Project. 

Open a project, then Click on Project, Concrete Type

Note: an alternative way to work with Concrete Mix/Types:
While editing a Sensor on the ConcreteInfo tab, you can access and/or define Concrete Types by clicking on the Types button:

Type in the name of your Concrete Type then press Save

Using the dropdown, select the concrete type that you just saved

Click Target Alerts

Click the checkbox for the temperatures that you would like to monitor to meet the project specifications, for example: Maximum Temperature of 160 degrees and Maximum Temperature Difference of all sensors 35 degrees.

Click OK
Note: you can change from Fahrenheit to Celsius by clicking the temperature symbol under Temp
Click Save

Close the panel by clicking the X in the upper right of the form

Becuase we are only monitoring temperature and not performing maturity calculations, click No

Click Yes to Okay to Save Project?