How to move a Logging Device from an Active Project to your current or new Project without needing to Swipe the Device to Start Logging

How to move a Logging Device from an Active Project to your current or new Project without needing to Swipe the Device to Start Logging

In some cases, you may set up a new Project with an HTC or HTC II Device that is already logging on another Project.  When the time comes to start logging on the new Project, HardTrack will allow you to automatically move the device from the old Project to the new Project without the need to Stop Logging on the old Project 1st.

To move the Device without Stopping the device from Logging temperatures, just Restart Logging on the new Project and HardTrack will redirect/move the data stream of temperature data coming from the device to your new Project.

It is recommended that you upgrade to HardTrack Desktop version 5.1._01.56 or higher before attempting to use this feature.

Here is an example:

1) We create a New Project using a Device that is already Logging:

2) Save the Project

3) Restart Logging for the new Project

Double Click on one of the Sensors to Restart Logging

HardTrack will ask you if you want to switch the Logging Device to your new Project:

You will not have to Swipe the device, because we have not sent the device a Stop Logging command.  So you can ignore the messages saying to Swipe the device.

If we check the status of the Device, we can see that the Restart Logging command has been sent to the Device

When we initially Check the Dashboard, we may not see that the Device has stopped on the old project and started on the new project.  In some cases, HardTrack is busy processing the last upload of temperature logs, so we will have to wait for the next Upload Interval before we see that the device has moved from the Old Project to the New Project:

Eventually, each of the Sensor begins to show up on the new project and they are removed from the old project.

Now when we Refresh the new Project, we see the temperature readings.  In this case, the readings are in Celsius.

Note: You do not want to complete a Stop Logging command on the Device on the Old Project, because this will stop the Device from communicating with the HardTrack Cloud Server.  When the Restart Logging command is sent from the new Project to HardTrack, HardTrack will automatically redirect the data stream from the Device from the Old Project to the New Project.