HardTrack supports the use of Performance-based Temperature Difference Limit (PBTDL) for verifying if the temperature difference between sensors in the concrete is within the calculated temperature difference based upon a predefined table that HardTrack uses to lookup the appropriate temperature difference based upon the concrete maturity, for example, TTF
°C Maturity:
Your PBTDL table can either be entered manually into HardTrack or you can send your table to Wake Customer Care and your PBTDL table will be electronically uploaded into HardTrack for you.
To enter your PBTDL manually, open a HardTrack Project, select or create the concrete type for the project that is associated with your concrete mix, and click on the PBTDL from Maturity button:
Next, click on the Target Alerts button
Click on Use PBTDL for Temp Diff All Sensors and Click OK
Note: With Performance-based Temperature Difference Limit calculated using Maturity, please make sure that the 1st Temp setting on this form is set correctly. For example, we have it set to C for Celsius, because we are using TTF °C Maturity in our example.
Please remember to save you Concrete Type
When you are ready to export your Project Temperature Report, be sure to select these options, so that the PBTDL will be reported:
At a minimum:
1) Inside (MaxT - MinT)
2) MaxT Diff - PBTDL
Your Project Temperature Report will look similar to this:
If any of the temperature difference calculations exceed the PBTDL, you will see values in the (Min - Max) > PBTDL column: