Special Location Names to Support Reporting

Special Location Names to Support Reporting

Special Location Names to Support Reporting in the online Summary and the Export to Excel Reports:

For the Core/Center Sensor: (CTR) - Only 1 per Project, use Core Backup for backup sensor
For the Ambient Sensor used for ∆T : (AMB) - Only 1 per Project
For each of the Surface Sensors: (SUR) - as many as needed

This is an example of how to generate a final report for a Concrete Pour, where the Thermal Control Plan calls for a 30 minute logging interval for the 1st 48 hours and then every 12 hours until the Core Temperature - Average Ambient Temperature = 32 degrees.  The CoreT vs any SurfaceT must not be more than 35 degrees different at any logging interval.

Note: When the Project Logging interval is set for a Pour, it should be set to the shortest logging interval needed in the final report.  In this example the Logging Interval we set to 30 minutes.

When generating the report, this is how to make the correct reporting selections:

In order to support HardTrack in reporting this information, HardTrack needs to understand which sensor is Ambient, Core and which sensors are Surface sensors.  When naming the sensors with the Location Name, the following values need to be placed at any position with the Location Name:

For the Core/Center Sensor: (CTR)
For the Ambient Sensor you would like HardTrack to use for the Average Ambient Temperature: (AMB)
For each of the Surface Sensors: (SUR)

Here are (2) examples:

This example has several surface sensors:

If more than one sensor contains (CTR) or (AMB), HardTrack will use the 1st sensor that it locations with this value for calculations.  For consistency sake, it is wise to only use (CTR) and (AMB) on one sensor each.